Hope u guys understand my entry. haha. n take care =))
Chen Kangting
Purpose of flow cytometry in this experiment
Flow cytometer is used to measure the gene expression. Cells tranfected with the EGFP plasmid will fluoresce green when exposed to blue light. The unique factor of flow cytometer is that it can measure the fluorescence per cell, hence you can know how many cells are expressing the gene. Unlike normal spectrophotometers which measure the transmission of light in a bulk of sample.
Flow cytometers can measure more that 1 type of fluorescence simultaneously per cell and also measure different types of cell. However in this experiment, the cell type used is HEK 293(human embryonic kidney cells) and the fluorochrome is green fluorescence protein(GFP). The brand of the flow cytometer used is BD LSR II( 3-laser FACS analyzer).
Before, using the machine, cells must be prepared for analysis. Single cell suspensions must be obtained. Though the process is simple, but it is very tedious and time consuming. I don’t see the significance of explaining individual steps, so if you are interested, just send me a comment.
I usually run 3 replicates for each condition(different concentration of polymer-DNA complexes added into cells). In this experiment, I have 10 condition, hence, I will have 10x3=30 samples. The whole process can take a day! I’m always super exhausted at the end of the day.
Principle of flow cytometry
Image 1: taken from http://biology.berkeley.edu/crl/flow_cytometry_basic.html
When measuring, cells will flow into a stream of fluid in a flow chamber, allowing only single cells to pass due to the reduced diameter. Lasers are often used as light source in flow cytometry. In this case, argon ion laser is used to excite the GFP cells at 488nm. The corresponding fluorescence signals are picked up by optical detectors at 503-530nm.
The signals are then ‘processed’ further, but it is so technical, so no need to explain as the machine does everything. =))
Data presentation
This is the most important part. A computer is connected to the flow cytometer to analyze the signals. It can be presented in many ways, but I only use two, histograms and dot plots.
1) Dot plots( 2 dimension)
Image 2
y-axis: SSC-A(Side SCatter): parameter that relates to the density/granulariy of the cell.
X-axis: FSC-A (Forward SCatter): parameter that relates to the size of the cell.
Both axes allow us to create a 2 dimensional plot.
Dot plots are often used to measure cell size and density. Based on both axes, it will position the cell in a form of ‘dot’. Each dot represents 1 cell. Only cells(dots) that are in the scatter gate are analyzed, while the others are ignored. The scatter gate is created by the user(me =)). Hence, it can be shifted to the right or left, or even make it larger. So how do I decide? I use controls and all my other samples are based on that.
Why do I need controls?
Reason: To properly set the conditions for flow cytometry, negative (untreated cells: no GFP) and positive controls are required for each cell type and for each fluorescence dye. Different cell types auto-fluoresce at different intensities, so a negative control for one cell type might appear positive for another cell type. In addition, if one cell type is significantly larger or more complex than the other, their forward- and side-scatter settings will differ.
In real life, dot plots are often used in hematology to distinguish different lineages of blood cells, as different type of cells will appear at different parts of the plot based on their density and size.
2) Histogram(single dimension)
Image 3
y-axis: count: no. of cells
x-axis: GFP-A: relative fluorescence intensity
This is the simplest way to present the data. Peaks that are in the right ‘box’ are GFP positive, while those in the left are non-GFP cells. Again, I must have negative and positive controls to ‘gate’ the peaks.
Finally, The flow cytometer will automatically tell me how many GFP positive cells based on the data analysed and the scatter gate I chose.
Image 4: Interpretation of data
Note: Image 2-4 are posted with permission.
Till here then.
Label with specimen lab number and name of specimen
A drop of sputum sample
Making a smear using the ‘touch and pull’ method’
A smear done
0.5% Sodium Hypochlorite (prepare and use only fresh solution) is a disinfectant. It is active against bacteria, spores, fungi, viruses including HIV and HB. Concentration is 0.50%.
Used for specimen disposal, contaminated waste, materials spillage and non-metal equipments. The contact time must be at least 30 minutes for optimal effectiveness.
Routine Papanicolaou Staining
Papanicolaou method is a polychrome staining reaction (staining the cytoplasm of different cell types different colors) designed to exhibit differences in cellular morphology, maturity and metabolic activity
Intact cells in a cytologic smear tend to overlap and some appear in three dimensional configurations, the greatest value of papnicolaou staining method are the resultant transparency of the cells and clear definition of nuclear detail
Used for gynaecologic and non-gynaecologic specimens
2.Nuclear Staining
3.Cytoplasmic staining
A series of graded percentage of alcohol (80%-70%-50%) to hydrate the cells gradually before immersion in the aqueous haematoxylin solution
After approximately two minutes in haematoxylin the cells are then dehydrated (70%-80%-95%) prior to immersing in the alcoholic counter stains (Orange G and Eosin Azure)
Following the two cytoplasmic stains, the slides are then rinsed in alcohol
To fix/preserve the morphological details of the cell in as perfect a condition as possible
Nuclear staining
Regressive method: The nuclei are overstained with unacidified haematoxylin; excess stain is then removed with dilute hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid must be removed by a bath of running water.
Progressive method: To stain for the desired color intensity. This method eliminates decolorizing with hydrochorite acid and the need for subsequent running in a water bath. Recommend for non-gyanecological cell samples because they do not adhere to slides as well as those from the female genital tract. To cause the colour of the stain to change from red to blue, the slides may be ‘blued’ with dilute solutions of ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH, Ph 8.0-8.5), lithium carbonate ( Li2CO3, pH 8.0-8.5) or Scott’s tap water substitute (pH8.2).
Cytoplasmic staining:
After the nuclear staining, the cells are dehydrated through rinses of 95% alcohol. This dehydration prepares the cells for the two alcohol stains. First, the OG-6 stain, the slides will be in the alcohol for 1 minute. If there is any keratin in the cytoplasm of these cells, the OG-6 will stain it a brilliant orange. Following the OG-6 stain, the cells are rinsed in two 95% alcohol baths. They are then immersed in the modified EA stain for 2 minutes. The modified EA is a combination of these two stains : First is the eosin, which stains the cytoplasm of mature squamous cells, nucleoli and cilia. Second, is light green, which stains the cytoplasm of parabasal and immediate squamous and columnar cells.
Following the EA stain, the cells are then taken through two 95% alcohol rinses. These high concentrations of alcohol help to provide a clearer view through areas of overlapping cells
Next, the cells are taken through 10% alcohol rinses for final dehydration
Upon complete dehydration, the cells are placed in the two to four rinses of xylene where they remain until the coverslipped. The xylene will carry light rays from the microscope in the same way that the cell will, thus, making the cells transparent.
Note: Pictures are taken with the permission from my supervisor.
Yup so thats all :) do feel free to ask any questions..
Sharon Ang